That's The Pitch - Here Is The Substance
Transmission of information by sound is the most primal yet sophisticated way to receive valuable information and knowledge. Sound serves as a bridge to interact with others who may be close or distant; sound vibration can be an internal or remote conduit of communication which can be a priceless asset, providing crucial information for understanding reality and building the structure of one's life.
Although invisible, sound as subtle energy is measured in terms of frequency and vibration.
Some sound is even more subtle and silently heard, such as thoughts in one's mind and heart, as perceived in the arena of personal consciousness.
Not inconsequentially, one scientific view of the universe is, that objects and energies all have energetic signatures of frequency and vibrational patterns. Those patterns of information are analyzed and interpreted, by means of one's personal consciousness.
Although the patterns of information may be presented as stand alone objects, subjective interpretations can vary - which begs the question of the intent of scientific research to be based on objectivity, when each interpretation of an object or event, naturally has various levels of subjective interpretation or experience of any object/event. The point here being one can appreciate some of the benefits of scientific demonstration and objectivity, without being bullied by dogmatic standards which have no play in the unseen and non-measurable realm of internal, personal, conscious experience.
Although the sources and receptors of energies of such frequencies and vibrations may vary greatly, the sending and receiving information via frequency and vibration of sound appears to be a universal pathway to identify something and it's qualities. Hearing physical sound generated externally, and hearing internal sounds, such as personal thoughts, indicates different avenues of experiencing sound, which can extend to "hearing" non-material or spiritual sound, through the medium of personal consciousness.
As described in Vedic tradition, that mystery known as consciousness, is considered as being the symptom, of the non-material, superior spiritual energy that connects all of creation.
Bhakti-yoga specifically, embraces the goal of purifying ones consciousness of material identifications, through devotional, loving service with spiritual perimeters. Choosing to be focused in the service of spiritual reality, gradually re-establishes a clear link in one's heart of hearts; a link opening direct communication with Source consciousness and energy.
As stated in the Bhagavad Gita "For one whose mind is controlled, the Supersoul is already reached."
It is on that personal, transcendental level of consciousness, that acts of eternal love and experiences of bliss are exchanged with Godhead/Source/Creator.
The transmission of sacred instruction with spiritual content, helps greatly in order to understand one's relationship to another person, thing, or the even divine. The words we speak or write, can make or break relationships. For almost everyone, harmonious relationships with self, loved ones, and ideally with Source/God also, can make life much more enjoyable, balanced, and worth the effort of being consciously tuned it.
Unity consciousness doesn't mean we are alone; but rather it's the experience of a unified co-existence with others, as a per-requisite to give and receive pure and unconditional divine love.
In one of those almost inconceivable contradictions that become harmonized in spiritual realization,,, by becoming self-less one actually finds one's true self while serving the will of Source.
The independent Creator/Cause of all Causes/Personality of Godhead reveals both Himself the true eternal blissful nature of each soul choosing to serve, rather than seeking to be served by others. Just as anyone standing in the darkness before the dawn, can see both himself and the sun as the source of light, when the morning sun rises.
Loving service offered to the Personality of Godhead without ulterior motive, is the rarefied arena wherein the Infinite Almighty, becomes willingly and personally captured by the devotion of the liberated and sovereign individual spirit/soul.
Each of us, as sparks of pure spirit, temporarily covered by material elements in the form of a physical/mental/emotional body, posses something modern science doesn't fully understand, namely a field of consciousness which pervades, and even expands out from one's body to some degree, seen as an aura of subtle energy.
Simply put, we are all ultimately offspring or children of Source energy, being "made in the image of God". We inherit consciousness as part of one's spiritual birthright. Because Godhead/Source is conscious, Source expansions are also conscious.
Each conscious being is a spark of spiritual light energy identical to Source, but with a difference being that each person's consciousness is finite, whereas Source consciousness is infinite. We may know our own body and business to some degree, but Godhead/Source who lives within us and outside of us as well, is conscious of everyone's body and intentions.
As stated in the Bhagavad Gita by the Personality of Godhead:
BG 15.7 "The living entities in this conditioned world are My eternal, fragmental parts. Due to conditioned life, they are struggling very hard with the six senses, which include the mind."
BG 18.61 "The Supreme Lord is situated in everyone's heart, O Arjuna, and is directing the wanderings of all living entities, who are seated as on a machine, made of the material energy."
Somehow or other in the course of eternity, we as spiritual beings utilized our God-given free will, to see what life might be like, in a state of separation from our Source. It was necessary for the material creation to take place in cycles of creation and destruction, so that the individual soul could have the illusory experience of "I and Mine" separate from the actual reality of Godhead being the creator, maintainer, and destroyer in cycles, of the material universes. This knowledge can bring a bit of peace to each soul, who is struggling for existence in competition with countless other souls, who wanted covet the Lord's creation, operating under the paradigm of "I and Mine".
BG 5.29 "The sages, knowing Me as the ultimate purpose of all sacrifices and austerities, the Supreme Lord of all planets and demigods and the benefactor and well-wisher of all living entities, attain peace from the pangs of material miseries."
Divine heart to heart exchange of love is why Source/Creator/Godhead expanded into many, but did not diminish the potency or supreme stature of Source/Godhead in the slightest. In spiritual mathematics of unity, 1-1 = 1 and 1+1 = 1.
This is described in the Upanishads
(See Sri Isopanishad Below)
more enjoyable, balanced, and worth the effort.
Even when unable to speak, the sound cooing or crying of a baby, communicates something parents can try to understand. Over time, the sound of constantly repeated words offered to the infant, teach the baby learn, to identify objects, and speak for itself. It may be interesting to note that the frequency and vibration of the sound is just one layer of the communication. A baby or anyone else, can sense an emotional vibration of the source emitting the sound - be it of loving concern, compassion and attention - or a mood of anger and frustration. The tone of the sound piggy-backing on the words expressed, also convey a meaning and reality - adding a different vibration can be clearly noticed or felt.
An interesting book was written some years ago by a professional infant caregiver, who was able to discern six different types of cries from particular babies, who were expressing six different messages, like tiredness, or hunger, or discomfort from needing to be changed, and more.
In the same way, how each one of us is vibrationally tuned on different bodily, mental, emotional and spiritual levels, determines to some degree how we process and asses incoming informational vibration coming from outside sources.
For example, some of us have more inbuilt accurate lie-detectors, alerting us to people saying one thing, but whose real intentions are far different. Call it intuition, or reading 'vibes', but the subtle sound energies of frequency and vibration in many manifestations, are integral parts of daily living.
Known by experience, the frequency and vibration of sunlight can be very noticeable, as are different types of music, newscasts, and social media exchanges.
All of this may be very obvious to many readers, but what this is leading to, is an appreciation of one's outside world and ourselves, perceiving a combination of different energies, all having different types of frequencies and vibrations.
That being said, we aren't heading into the complex world of theoretical physics where frequency and vibration of gross and subtle energies are foundational, but here we'll change lanes into the realm and energy of consciousness, both personal and universal.
It's is in the arena of one's personal consciousness, that one experiences the effects of sound and other energy vibrations.
We know subjectively and objectively that consciousness exists, because we and others, experience it firsthand - it's a self-evident truth.
Interestingly, while scientists use their own personal consciousness to analyze, measure, and describe the universe as best they can, there is no consensus of what consciousness actually is or when it appeared, or where it is seated in the body, and how is arose in the first place. It's a very puzzling topic - much like the origin of life and the universe. There is no consensus.
Some say only humans have consciousness, while others, especially pet owners, would attest that animals also have consciousness, and can feel pain and pleasure as well.
Some experiments have shown even plants have reactions to human thoughts, and actions. Even the crystalline structure of water and ice respond to loving, or other vibes sent their way.
The wide weave here has a purpose, in that we are coming back to the foundation that sound vibration as an energetic vehicle of both information and emotion, are experienced in the realm of one's consciousness - whether one is generating the information and emotion, or one is receiving it, one's consciousness is the playing field, with many levels of experience.
Like the parent who is nurturing a baby to communicate and eventually speak, the levels of consciousness between the parent as source of information and emotion, and level of consciousness the baby as the intended receiver, plays a role in the depth and content of the energetic transmission. In the same way, the levels of subtle or spiritual information one may receive from Source energy, depends on one's level of comparable vibration. More later.
It can be noted here, that the hearing of sound, is experienced in other ways, other then just physical vibrations hitting one's eardrums.
Reading is another type of hearing, wherein the reader is hearing the voice of the author in another real sense. On different level, we generally hear a dialog of our own thoughts almost non-stop.
Even while asleep and dreaming a soundtrack is playing out - with our own thoughts, and maybe hearing other from others in the dream.
So we hear in many ways, on different levels.
Again, this goes back to individual consciousness being a pivotal player in one's experience of life and hearing, whether awake or in a dream.
Speaking of dreams, should we examine now, what is actually real? Well, okay, spoiler alert: the emotions and experiences in a dream, either good or bad, are real in the moment - one feels what they feel. But upon waking up, one can see the dream didn't last - it was a temporary state of mind, and not really real - it was temporary; an illusion. Still, it was real when it was happening.
This is a notable, simple, but deep philosophical point when understanding the world we live in.
According to sacred texts and confirmed by realized spiritual masters over the ages, there are two basic categories of energies; one category is material energy, which takes forms which ever-changing and temporary. Like one's breathing in and out, the material universes manifest in cycles of expansion and contraction, creation and destruction - continually.
There is another category of energy, a non-material or spiritual internal energy of conscious non-measurable, non-material frequency and vibration, on which the material creation rests, and is dependent upon.
As described in the 7th chaper of the sacred text known as the Bhagavad Gita, all material and spiritual energies come from one Source/Godhead/Creator/Absolute Truth.
The example is given that just as the rays of the single sun carry two energies of both heat and light, so the single Source/Creator are the origin of all matter and spirit.
This Source/Personality of Godhead stands Supreme, having no other source, and is the prime cause of all causes.
The living entitles in this world and other worlds in this universe, belong to the spiritual energy, which is eternal and conscious. The material energy, is decried as an inferior energy, lifeless and unconscious - like a rock, experiencing creation and destruction and changing of temporary energetic forms.
For those of use with a material body, the conscious spark of spirit that we are, having made in the image of God, is compromised by the material elements and false self-conceptions, which temporarily cover one's pure spiritual consciousness, due to a sense false ego and material desires, floating on the proposition of "I and Mine". This false ego separation from spiritual reality, is like a dream - very real in the moment, but realized as a temporary illusion when one spiritually wakes up - or dies and eventually starts over in a new material body based on past desires and actions.
We will bring the weave back home and end this chapter with the following.
Science, ironically cannot corral a consensus on personal consciousness, even though without it, they could not pass judgement on anything, or even drive to work on their own. Science for the most part did not even want to discuss consciousness as a thing, until the 1990's.
From spiritual wisdom, science cannot find consciousness being sourced from the firing of neuron/synapses or as a singular specific place in the body, because one's conscious is an aspect, or symptom of one's material spirit/soul - it is not produced by the body, but rather, inhabits the body to give it life. When the soul and consciousness leave the body at death, the lifeless lump of dead matter decomposes, unceremoniously.
It is through the agency of consciousness, as a symptom of one's eternal spirit/soul, that one is able to hear, through physical vibrations through the ear, or by internal audio generated by reading and personally thinking; all are functions of personal consciousness.
Godhead/Source/Creator is unlimitedly conscious by definition... All Knowing, All Powerful, and Ever-Present. As spiritual offspring of our Creator endowed with free will, if we choose to return home, back to Godhead, the path is open, through knowledge, detachment and heart willing do give up illusions and experience, eternal, lasting love offered by Source/Creator/Supreme Personality of Godhead. The knowledge required to make the journey can come from Godhead/Supersoul/Holy Spirit in one's heart, but we are mostly operating from a lower, materialistic paradigm which somewhat blocks the higher information and emotional exchange we seek. Therefore saints and Holy Texts can help guide us to the point of spiritual purity vibration required to interact with the Supreme Pure, Personality of Godhead. Sometimes we get a glimpse of that divine grace and wisdom, which will become more consistent and overflowing to ever-new heights, as we purposefully, intentionally, enthusiastically, walk our path back home. The path is lined with service; loving service of All-Attractive truth that is the Supreme Person, rather than ever fleeting illusions. Om Tat Sat
Understanding the Source of all dimensions both material and spiritual, is a mystery solved herein and within!
Sacred texts, expanded upon by realized masters over time and space, have de-mystified the "Hard Problem" of how one's consciousness exists, functions, and connects internally and externally to different levels of reality - including to one's Source/God/Creator, Who is found within, in each person's heart, Who serves as witness, guide and loving friend, for each individual soul, who is a spark of the same eternal spirit, but in a finite, measured amount - of the Infinite, Unlimited Spirit/Creator/God/Source
Clear Spiritual Vision, and Paths To Inner Knowledge And Freedom, Are Coded In Sacred Texts,
Which Have Been Taught By Realized Masters Throughout History. The Fruit Of Such Knowledge Leads To Reconnecting To One's Source - To Eternity, Knowledge,
And Unconditional Spiritual Love.
Could The Flower Above, Have A Message To It's Viewer?
Welcome To Revealed Knowledge, Forming A Natural Connection With Peace and Harmony - Through De-coded Spiritual Wisdom
Coded Spiritual Wisdom as Holy Texts and Scriptures, have be etched in Aramaic, Greek and other languages in the West, and In primarily in Sanskrit in the East, - all stretching back thousands of years. The holy texts of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam have been translated from their original forms and language, then into English have been availing to the Western world in various iterations, for centuries. In contrast, most of the very large library of the Sanskrit Vedas, had not been translated into English on a large scale. Whether due to a lack of market/interest in the West, and the dearth of English speaking Sanskrit scholars willing to produce the works, the sheer volumes of original four Vedas - Rg, Sama, Yajur, Atharva, - along with the supplementary Vedic Texts such as the Upanishads, Puranas, Vedanta Sutra, Mahabharata and more, had spotty English renderings. This changed significantly in the USA in the mid-1960s, when interest grew in Eastern wisdom and culture. A lone swami, or monk, of the Brahma-Madhava-Gaudiya lineage, traveled to New York City in 1965, with a mission to spread the ancient spiritual science of Bhakti-Yoga and Sanatana Dharma - the eternal function of the spirit, in service to the one universal Creator/Source/God. Passed down by master to student, Srila AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada (1896-1977) pictured below left, came to the USA on the order of his own spiritual master, pictured below right, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Prabhupada to teach the eternal truth of Acintya Beda Abeda Tattva...That Godhead Source is One, and that each soul or expansion of Godhead, made in the spiritual image of Godhead, is also one with God, but inconceivable different from Godhead, in the sense of have an eternal identity as a spark of pure spirit - equal in quality, but not quantity; a finite portion of spirit, maintaining an identity with a function of exchanging love the infinite, Supreme Personality of Godhead - that Source from which everything emanates.
As your humble host who was initiated into the Bhakti tradition by Srila AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada in 1973 and 1974, it is my joyful duty to attempt to pass down some of the essence of these universally sacred teachings, as presented by Srila Prabhupada in his books, classes, and instructions. My hope is that any interest kindled here, will be further nourished by reading the many volumes of original books, so lovingly and transcendentally presented by Srila Prabhupada, who is an ocean of mercy. These books include Srimad Bhagavad Gita, Srimad Bhagavatam, Chaitanya Charitamrta, Nectar of Devotion, and more. Thank you and happy reading. Hare Krishna.
As your humble host who was initiated into the Bhakti tradition by Srila AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada in 1973 and 1974, it is my joyful duty to attempt to pass down some of the essence of these universally sacred teachings, as presented by Srila Prabhupada in his books, classes, and instructions. My hope is that any interest kindled here, will be further nourished by reading the many volumes of original books, so lovingly and transcendentally presented by Srila Prabhupada, who is an ocean of mercy. These books include Srimad Bhagavad Gita, Srimad Bhagavatam, Chaitanya Charitamrta, Nectar of Devotion, and more. Thank you and happy reading. Hare Krishna.
One's perspective, or how sees the world around them, is naturally very subjective. It is one's personal interpretation of an object, image or event. The object or event might be the same, but since each person's consciousness, experiences personal thoughts, feelings, and understanding of a object or event its own way, legitimate experiences and interpretations of reality can vary widely.
Science, or Scientism* generally insists upon objective observation, with metrics and repeated results that everyone can agree on. However, even when an external event or experiment yields a consistent, observably objective result, the meaning or value of that information, is something always considered subjectively, by each viewer. Science can accurately measure an apple in particular moment, but, that information will become inaccurate over the course of time, when said lonely apple rots and shrivels .
In the image above, "science" wants to establish what is height of the flower in inches/centimeters, or how far it is from the tree next to it, as it's conclusive truth. The human experience however, is much broader than the 3-D measurements of visible matter.
The human experience allows for not only subjective and objective truth to co-exist, but for other parameters to be included such the meaning or purpose of why a "seen" object exists.
Those involved with "hard science" tend to run from such notions as "meaning" or "purpose" of life or existence - like a deer seeking escape from a predatory lion. Such questions are generally dismissed to a different speculative realm of modern education, namely Philosophy. One may wonder - why? Perhaps for at least two reasons.
1. Because meaning and purpose are subjectively contemplated and can't be objectively measured by instrumentation in a lab, or corralled by a mathematical formula.
Science, or Scientism, prides itself on concrete demonstrations and formulae in the 3 dimensional construct we live in. Inconveniently for scientific research however, often another factor, which sometimes is described as a possibly fourth dimension, namely time, seems to poke holes in many theories - either by new discoveries or inconsistencies found over time - yet time marches on, without time itself being completely understood. Premises accepted in one era, are dismissed in subsequent eras, and dismissed again in future eras - all without conclusive attention to the purpose and meaning of human existence in the first place.
Secondly, subjective contemplation takes place in the arena of one's consciousness. Personal consciousness is something each scientist and everyone else, uses and experiences daily, but is something science cannot quantify as to it's origin, location, or potentials. The experience of individual thoughts and feelings take place in the realm of individual consciousness; an internal realm not fully measurable by external equipment.
*The word "Scientism" has been recently coined, to describe the doctrine of those who only recognize something as true, if it can be objectively measured and repeated in a controlled environment.
It is self-evident to many thinkers however, that objective measurement of external physical phenomenon may be a measure of truth - but not necessarily the full or conclusive truth of any object, event, or experience.
So what is the full story here?
Newspaper reporters, at least in the past , were asked to cover a story answering the questions of "Who, What, When, Where, Why , and sometimes, How?"
Regarding reporting on universal questions of creation of the life and the universe, science can theorize answers to some of those questions with some external metrics, but not all. Unseen forces appear to influence movements of stars and galaxies, giving rise to the theory that some type of invisible "dark matter" must exist, to explain celestial movements. Scientism is not shy to plead for acceptance of something on faith, they cannot see or fully understand - all the while dismissing the concept of universal conscious
and unseen Creator/Source of energy, that is also beyond physical measurement. That aside, there is no fully conclusive scientific offering or evidence, especially considering "Why and How" the universe was formed, exists and if it has an end.
Literally and figuratively, anyone who has tried to follow, or has been told to depend on "science" to answer all of life's questions, has come to a dead end.
Regarding individual consciousness, science is still mostly in the dark.
Why and how nature and consciousness came into to being - or exactly why and how the universe came into existence, is something that has not been conclusively solved via the scientific method - by using external measurements, or by floating ever-changing, unproven theories.
Could it be that the mysteries of the visible universe, are understandable by the invisible source of consciousness energy that created it, and that such information can be transmitted from one conscious Source, to individually conscious receivers - who are one with that same Source energy, but inconceivably different from it at the same time - being local rather than all-pervasive?
Some have found answers, through the medium of personal and universal consciousness re-uniting in stages, and the gradual revelations which follow. With one's expanded vision and revealed knowledge, the observation of the physical universe through a lense of infinite possibilities of Source cleverness and potency, adds nuance to the vision of the biggest, ever-expanding picture of reality we might be able to access. Abandoning all borders and restrictions as to what Source/God can are cannot do, is required if we are to have even a glimpse of what some phrase as the "Ultimate Reality".
One's humble recognition that some aspects of ultimate reality may be inconceivable to the human mind - but at the same time a measure of experience of Absolute Truth/Creator/God/Source/Infinity, can be revealed to some extent, by the grace of the conscious Source of all energies - both material and spiritual.
Understanding that Godhead/Source has a non-material conscious presence in each heart as Holy Spirit, which is able to reveal visions of ultimate reality, blessings, mystical power, and the loving messages of the Infinite, Supreme Personality of Godhead, is an axiom found across various spiritual/religious traditions.
More specifically, ancient Vedic Sanskrit Holy Texts also describe an all-pervading, conscious Source energy underlying each atom, and sub-atomic particles - which is the invisible fabric connecting both the material and spiritual realms.
If one wants to be truly inclusive of all possibilities, one cannot neglect the power and Source of the unseen forces, both material and spiritual, which govern creation from a place mostly inconceivable to the human mind. Saints and scriptures have passed on the knowledge that the same, universally conscious Source, has gifted each human with a spark of life and consciousness, embedded free will, with a chance to expand it's vision and experience of reality from the darkness of the material universes, to the kingdom and glory of the spiritual light and reality which is each spirit/soul's constitutional hearth, inheritance, and eteranl home.
Science, or Scientism* generally insists upon objective observation, with metrics and repeated results that everyone can agree on. However, even when an external event or experiment yields a consistent, observably objective result, the meaning or value of that information, is something always considered subjectively, by each viewer. Science can accurately measure an apple in particular moment, but, that information will become inaccurate over the course of time, when said lonely apple rots and shrivels .
In the image above, "science" wants to establish what is height of the flower in inches/centimeters, or how far it is from the tree next to it, as it's conclusive truth. The human experience however, is much broader than the 3-D measurements of visible matter.
The human experience allows for not only subjective and objective truth to co-exist, but for other parameters to be included such the meaning or purpose of why a "seen" object exists.
Those involved with "hard science" tend to run from such notions as "meaning" or "purpose" of life or existence - like a deer seeking escape from a predatory lion. Such questions are generally dismissed to a different speculative realm of modern education, namely Philosophy. One may wonder - why? Perhaps for at least two reasons.
1. Because meaning and purpose are subjectively contemplated and can't be objectively measured by instrumentation in a lab, or corralled by a mathematical formula.
Science, or Scientism, prides itself on concrete demonstrations and formulae in the 3 dimensional construct we live in. Inconveniently for scientific research however, often another factor, which sometimes is described as a possibly fourth dimension, namely time, seems to poke holes in many theories - either by new discoveries or inconsistencies found over time - yet time marches on, without time itself being completely understood. Premises accepted in one era, are dismissed in subsequent eras, and dismissed again in future eras - all without conclusive attention to the purpose and meaning of human existence in the first place.
Secondly, subjective contemplation takes place in the arena of one's consciousness. Personal consciousness is something each scientist and everyone else, uses and experiences daily, but is something science cannot quantify as to it's origin, location, or potentials. The experience of individual thoughts and feelings take place in the realm of individual consciousness; an internal realm not fully measurable by external equipment.
*The word "Scientism" has been recently coined, to describe the doctrine of those who only recognize something as true, if it can be objectively measured and repeated in a controlled environment.
It is self-evident to many thinkers however, that objective measurement of external physical phenomenon may be a measure of truth - but not necessarily the full or conclusive truth of any object, event, or experience.
So what is the full story here?
Newspaper reporters, at least in the past , were asked to cover a story answering the questions of "Who, What, When, Where, Why , and sometimes, How?"
Regarding reporting on universal questions of creation of the life and the universe, science can theorize answers to some of those questions with some external metrics, but not all. Unseen forces appear to influence movements of stars and galaxies, giving rise to the theory that some type of invisible "dark matter" must exist, to explain celestial movements. Scientism is not shy to plead for acceptance of something on faith, they cannot see or fully understand - all the while dismissing the concept of universal conscious
and unseen Creator/Source of energy, that is also beyond physical measurement. That aside, there is no fully conclusive scientific offering or evidence, especially considering "Why and How" the universe was formed, exists and if it has an end.
Literally and figuratively, anyone who has tried to follow, or has been told to depend on "science" to answer all of life's questions, has come to a dead end.
Regarding individual consciousness, science is still mostly in the dark.
Why and how nature and consciousness came into to being - or exactly why and how the universe came into existence, is something that has not been conclusively solved via the scientific method - by using external measurements, or by floating ever-changing, unproven theories.
Could it be that the mysteries of the visible universe, are understandable by the invisible source of consciousness energy that created it, and that such information can be transmitted from one conscious Source, to individually conscious receivers - who are one with that same Source energy, but inconceivably different from it at the same time - being local rather than all-pervasive?
Some have found answers, through the medium of personal and universal consciousness re-uniting in stages, and the gradual revelations which follow. With one's expanded vision and revealed knowledge, the observation of the physical universe through a lense of infinite possibilities of Source cleverness and potency, adds nuance to the vision of the biggest, ever-expanding picture of reality we might be able to access. Abandoning all borders and restrictions as to what Source/God can are cannot do, is required if we are to have even a glimpse of what some phrase as the "Ultimate Reality".
One's humble recognition that some aspects of ultimate reality may be inconceivable to the human mind - but at the same time a measure of experience of Absolute Truth/Creator/God/Source/Infinity, can be revealed to some extent, by the grace of the conscious Source of all energies - both material and spiritual.
Understanding that Godhead/Source has a non-material conscious presence in each heart as Holy Spirit, which is able to reveal visions of ultimate reality, blessings, mystical power, and the loving messages of the Infinite, Supreme Personality of Godhead, is an axiom found across various spiritual/religious traditions.
More specifically, ancient Vedic Sanskrit Holy Texts also describe an all-pervading, conscious Source energy underlying each atom, and sub-atomic particles - which is the invisible fabric connecting both the material and spiritual realms.
If one wants to be truly inclusive of all possibilities, one cannot neglect the power and Source of the unseen forces, both material and spiritual, which govern creation from a place mostly inconceivable to the human mind. Saints and scriptures have passed on the knowledge that the same, universally conscious Source, has gifted each human with a spark of life and consciousness, embedded free will, with a chance to expand it's vision and experience of reality from the darkness of the material universes, to the kingdom and glory of the spiritual light and reality which is each spirit/soul's constitutional hearth, inheritance, and eteranl home.
Personally, I can objectively understand that the flower in the picture above, stands at a certain height, and a measurable distance from the tree behind it - from my point of view. I can also accept, as taught by the spiritually advanced, that all of nature can remind us of it's Source creator, and designer. The flower reminds me that all life is divinely connected, and that I can see that flower as stick-figure person, welcoming me with open arms, to go beyond the measured gates of my backyard, and into the greater unity and purpose of a conscious and connected reality.
That vision and filter of perception of reality works for me, and it also works that everyone can see it in their own way.
There are measures of truth that we can all experience as valid and personally verifiable by our own experiences, even if some answers to larger issues still remain hidden. But we can take those experiences of truths as satisfactory wins, even while seeking to understand and experience more truth and higher levels of consciousness and ultimate reality.
More information can be found at and
Thanks for reading!
Brian Bhojadeva Nash
That vision and filter of perception of reality works for me, and it also works that everyone can see it in their own way.
There are measures of truth that we can all experience as valid and personally verifiable by our own experiences, even if some answers to larger issues still remain hidden. But we can take those experiences of truths as satisfactory wins, even while seeking to understand and experience more truth and higher levels of consciousness and ultimate reality.
More information can be found at and
Thanks for reading!
Brian Bhojadeva Nash